Comparing Received Energy
Comparing Sizes
Orbital Distances and Scales
Planets Scaled to Their Star
Comparing Scales of Trappist Planets to that of Earths
Sizes and Orbital Periods
System Architecture
Distance and Sizes to Scale
Comparing Received Energy
Comparing Received Energy

Infographic set that help to visualise the Trappist-1 planetary system. Freely available to download from the official website, these blueprints compare the Trappist 1 system with our own solar system. Also a feature display at the Challenger Learning Center of Arizona.

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Comparing Sizes
Comparing Sizes

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Orbital Distances and Scales
Orbital Distances and Scales

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Planets Scaled to Their Star
Planets Scaled to Their Star

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Comparing Scales of Trappist Planets to that of Earths
Comparing Scales of Trappist Planets to that of Earths

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Sizes and Orbital Periods
Sizes and Orbital Periods

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

System Architecture
System Architecture

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Distance and Sizes to Scale
Distance and Sizes to Scale

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.