Print Press Releases
Science Storytelling
2 Rocky Worlds
Observatoire de Haute Provence & Circumbinary Planet
Speculoos Telescope
The Flowering Desert
Celebrating the Discovery of BEBOP-1c
ASTEP Telescope, Antarctica
Atacama, Chile
Print Press Releases
Print Press Releases

A set of woodblock inspired designs that celebrate discovery and scientific collaboration. Each image has been colour separated for lithographic reproduction. With special thanks to Amaury Triaud, Laetitia Delrez and Matthew Standing.

© 2024, University of Birmingham.

Science Storytelling
Science Storytelling

A series of images created for lithographic print and digital sharing.

© 2024, University of Birmingham.

2 Rocky Worlds
2 Rocky Worlds

Illustration depicting telescopes observing “super-earth” exoplanets orbiting a star 100 light years from Earth.

© 2024, University of Birmingham.

Observatoire de Haute Provence & Circumbinary Planet
Observatoire de Haute Provence & Circumbinary Planet

St. Michel l´Observatorire, les Alpes de Haute-Provence, Provence, France.

© 2024, University of Birmingham.

Speculoos Telescope
Speculoos Telescope

A chance discovery of a rare binary brown dwarf system.

© 2024, University of Birmingham.

The Flowering Desert
The Flowering Desert

The Flowering Desert is a planetarium opera, inspired by the experience of the astrophysicist Prof. Amaury Triaud in the discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 solar system.

© 2024, University of Birmingham.

Celebrating the Discovery of BEBOP-1c
Celebrating the Discovery of BEBOP-1c

Created in collaboration with Dr. Matthew Standing and Prof. Amaury Triaud. Depiction of BEBOP multi-planetary system, the Very Large Telescope in Chile, and HARPS, at the 3.6m telescope also in Chile. All elements are seen linked to the technology that astronomers and cosmologists use to evaluate data harvested from telescopes.

© 2024, University of Birmingham.

ASTEP Telescope, Antarctica
ASTEP Telescope, Antarctica

© 2024, University of Birmingham.

Atacama, Chile
Atacama, Chile

© 2024, University of Birmingham.