Cosmology Awards and Honours Graphic
Hycean' Exoplanets
Anniversary Logo
50th Anniversary - celebrating IoA community
Artwork for Self-build Websites
Social Media
Artwork for Publication
Planetary Science and Life in the Universe
3D Elements for Illustration and Collage
Universe in a Bottle
Image sets
Detail Render
Advertising Prints
International Women's Day Logo
Binary Star Diagram
3D Elements
Promotional Graphics
Presentation and Display
KICC Lecture Series
Cosmology Awards and Honours Graphic
Cosmology Awards and Honours Graphic

Heavy elements around an exploding star.

© 2024, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge.

Hycean' Exoplanets
Hycean' Exoplanets

Press release image, features include: BBC Science Focus, Metro News UK and The Guardian. Created in collaboration with Nikku Madhusudhan.

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Anniversary Logo
Anniversary Logo

Inspired by the idea of the present moment as a celebratory meeting point between the IoA’s 50 years past and its future. The design will identify events taking place throughout 2024.

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

50th Anniversary - celebrating IoA community
50th Anniversary - celebrating IoA community

Building on the logo’s theme of celebration and past meets future, the poster campaign reflects on its people, and the collective community atmosphere that lay at the heart of IoA life.

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Artwork for Self-build Websites
Artwork for Self-build Websites

Logos, web visuals and photography tailored to any brief. If you would like advice on how to create your own cost-effective website with bespoke graphics get in touch.

© 2024, Amanda Smith.

Social Media
Social Media

Promotional image for an astronomy inspired musical performance by Dr Matthew Bothwell - Our Place in Space.

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Artwork for Publication
Artwork for Publication

Created in collaboration with Nikku Madhusudhan for his recent work ExoFrontiers.

© 2024, American Astronomical Society and IOP Publishing.

Planetary Science and Life in the Universe
Planetary Science and Life in the Universe

Promotional image for a new MPhil course offered at the University of Cambridge. Created in collaboration with Dr. Oliver Shorttle.

Additional credits: CR7 Nebula - ESO/M. Kornmesser. Helix Nebula - NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScl). Planting models (adapted) by V-Ray

© 2024, University of Cambridge.


Cross section of the Sun, created in collaboration with Dr Laura Rogers for International Women’s Day, 23.

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

3D Elements for Illustration and Collage
3D Elements for Illustration and Collage

Inspired by humanoid and embryonic development, this object was was created and adapted for use in the Trappist-1 illustration Airspace.

© 2024, Amanda Smith.

Universe in a Bottle
Universe in a Bottle

Visual for a 2023 (KICC) conference that will share and discuss Early Results from the James Webb Space Telescope. Created in collaboration with Francesco D'Eugenio.

© 2024, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge.

Image sets
Image sets

Multiple graphics created from a single model, for the Future of Science conference - hosted by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS). Several, themed artworks were created for this event, from large-scale advertising banners to conference stationery.

© 2024, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge.

Detail Render
Detail Render

© 2024, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge.


© 2024, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge.

Advertising Prints
Advertising Prints

© 2024, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge.

International Women's Day Logo
International Women's Day Logo

Celebrating the contributions made by female scientists and their impact on our understanding of the universe.

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Binary Star Diagram
Binary Star Diagram

Created for press release, in collaboration with Yinuo Han. For more details visit

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

3D Elements
3D Elements

A topographic cityscape created for the illustration A Shared Experience.

© 2024, Amanda Smith.

Promotional Graphics
Promotional Graphics

Background image credit: Hubble Ultra Deep Field. NASA, ESA, and S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team.

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

Presentation and Display
Presentation and Display

© 2024, Institute of Astronomy - University of Cambridge.

KICC Lecture Series
KICC Lecture Series

Promotional image.

© 2024, Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge.